10 Most Important Books to Expand Your Brain

Says James Altucher, “Books, that if read widely, would change a billion lives.” I could not agree more with that. Here are James’ top 10 good picks and the most important books that you should read to change your life. (1) “Mastery” by Robert Greene (2) “Bold” by Peter Diamondis and Steven Kotler (3) “Outliers” … Read more

6 Top Classic Examples of Lateral Thinking

  The term ‘lateral thinking’ was coined by Edward de Bono in 1967, and it involves solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately obvious, and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using the traditional step-by-step logic. Edward de Bono, Lateral Thinking and Creativity According to Edward de … Read more

45 Important Life Lessons from a 90-Year-Old

Sometimes, all it takes is a little inspiration to let you re-look at how you’ve been living your life. In this case, all these 45 life lessons come from 90-year-old Regina Brett of Cleveland, Ohio. My favourite’s number 32. Enjoy! (1) Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good. (2) When in doubt, just take the next small step. … Read more

10 Best Inspirational Stories to Change Your Life

The following article has been translated from CWMoney, Taiwan. Inspirational Stories to Change Your Perspective (1) Life is But a Dream A mouse fell into half a tank of rice, and was delighted. After checking that there was no danger, he ate the rice and fell asleep immediately. Such is life, and he ate and slept in … Read more