If you want to generate revenue for your business, you need effective headlines that really work. Here’s a very comprehensive list from ProCopyTips, who got his inspiration from two books, Tested Advertising Methods by and How to Make Your Advertising Make Money, both by John Caples, a copywriter famed for rigorously testing headlines and advertising copies to generate revenue for his clients.

Examples of Effective Headlines
- They Laughed When I Sat Down At the Piano But When I Started to Play!
- How I became popular overnight
- Would you invest $7 to be $1000 richer … without risking a cent?
- Do you make these mistakes in English?
- You can laugh at money worries if you follow this simple plan
- Corn Gone In 5 Days or Money Back
- The Next 90 Days Can Change Your Life – A Warning from the Wall Street Journal
- Greatest Bible News in 341 Years
- How a fool stunt made me a star salesman
- What’s wrong in this picture?
- How I improved my memory in one evening
- Give me 5 days and I’ll give you a Magnetic Personality … Let Me Prove It — FREE
- Announcing A new Course and Service for men who want to be independent in the next five years
- The deaf now hear whispers
- Wanted — your services as a high paid real-estate specialist
- Announcing a New Home Money-Making Plan
- “No time for Yale — took college home,” says well-known author
- I gambled a postage stamp and won $35,840 in 2 years
- Advice to Wives Whose Husbands Don’t Save Money
- How a strange accident save me from baldness
- Is $60 a day worth a postage stamp?
- Be a Hotel Hostess
- Banish Teetering Furniture
- Lifetime Floor Coating
- Spare-Time Cash
- Kill Ant Colonies at Their Source
- Spray Your Weeds Away with Weed Out
- Learn Dressmaking — Earn Money at Home
- Now! Orange Juice for the Whole Family … Quickly! Easily!
- Hollywood’s Make-up Secret
- Buy No Desk Until You’ve Seen the Sensation of The Business Show
- Announcing a new selection of Kodak home-movie cameras
- Good-bye … old fashioned air conditioners
- New! Golf clubs specially sized for youngsters
- Now … a low-calorie Bacardi Daiquiri
- At last! A steam iron with a “Magic Brain”
- You can speak French by October 15
- The world’s first atomic watch
- Discovered — amazing way to grow hair
- Any 4 books (value up to $43.95) for only $1
- Free to brides … $2 to anyone else
- How to keep your husband home … and happy
- How I earn my living in 4 hours a day
- Why some people almost always make money in the stock market
- Which of these five skin troubles would you like to end?
- Do you have these symptoms of nervous exhaustion?
- Who else wants a whiter wash — with no hard work?
- This magical lamp automatically lights highway turns before you make them
- Advice to a young man starting out in business
- Can you pass the memory test?
- I was going broke — so I started reading The Wall Street Journal
- They thought I was crazy to ship Live Maine Lobsters as far as 1,800 miles from the ocean
- To a $15,000 man who would like to be making $25,000
- The Book-of-the-Month Club is for people who don’t have time for unimportant books
- Imagine Harry and Me advertising our PEARS in Fortune!
- “My Sears Kenmore Sewing Machine has 9 different stretch stitches — imagine!” says famous designer Bonnie Cashin.
- A Warning to men who would like to be independent in the next five years
- To the Man Who Is 35 and Dissatisfied
- Now — $1 Enrolls You In The Doctors Hospital Plan To Safeguard Your Income and Savings If Sickness Or Accident Puts You In The Hospital
- I never stopped eating yet I lost 107 pounds.
- Girls! Want quick curls?
- How to Have a Cool, Quiet Bedroom Even on Hot Nights
- “Here’s an Extra $50, Grace — I’m making real money now!”
- A wonderful two years’ trip at full pay — but only men with imagination can take it
- How to Win Friends and Influence People
- They Grinned When the Waiter Spoke to Me in French — but their laughter changed to amazement at my reply
- You’ll never drive a dirty car again!
- Is dry skin making you look older than you should? Touch these 5 spots and find out.
- Be $2,278 Richer
- Get Rid of Money Worries for Good
- Any Four for Only $1
- How to Get Rid of an Inferiority Complex
- Order Christmas Gifts Now … Pay After January 1
- How $20 Spent may Save You $2000
- How a Man of 40 Can Retire in 15 Years
- If You Are a Careful Driver You Can Save Money on Car Insurance
- How to Get Your Cooking Bragged About
- How to Build an Attic Room
- How to Get a Loan of $500
- Can You Spot These 7 Common Decorating Sins?
- Tonight Serve This Ready-Mixed Chocolate Pudding
- Will Your Scalp Stand the “Fingernail Test”?
- How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling
- Do you make these travel mistakes?
- Are you ashamed of smells in your home?
- Can you talk about books with the rest of them?
- Car owners … save one gallon of gas in every ten
- Double your money back if this isn’t the best onion soup you ever tasted
- Free book tells you 12 secrets of better lawn care
- Great new discovery kills kitchen odors quick! — makes indoor air “country fresh”
- Have You Any of These Five Skin Troubles?
- Here’s How to Have a Long and Healthy Life.
- How I Made a Fortune With a “Fool” Idea
- How I started a new life with $7
- How $7 started me on the road to $35,000 a year
- How to collect from Social Security at any age
- How to do your Christmas shopping in 5 minutes
- How to make money writing short paragraphs
- I lost that ugly bulge in 2 minutes
- Imagine me … holding an audience spellbound for 30 minutes!
- I’ve tried ‘em all, but this is the polish I use on my own car … Frank Mills, Essex Garage
- I was tired of living on low pay — so I started reading the Wall Street Journal
- Lose ugly fat — an average of 7 pounds a month
- Men who “know it all” are not invited to read this page
- Now! Own Florida land this easy way … $20 down and $20 a month
- 161 new ways to a gourmet’s heart — in this fascinating book for cooks
- Play guitar in 7 days or money back
- The lazy man’s way to riches
- The secret of making people like you
- Thousands have this priceless gift — but never discover it
- To people who want to write — but can’t get started
- When doctors “feel rotten” this is what they do
- Will you give me 7 days to prove I can make you a new man?
- You don’t have to be rich to retire on a guaranteed income for life
- Own a Rembrandt for only $7.95
- How Investors Can Save 75% on Commissions This Year
- Wanted: Safe Men for Dangerous Times
Contact us for a chat using the form below – we’ll be able to offer some tips on how to use effective headlines to increase your revenue.