Effective Headlines for Your Business

If you want to generate revenue for your business, you need effective headlines that really work. Here’s a very comprehensive list from ProCopyTips, who got his inspiration from two books, Tested Advertising Methods by and How to Make Your Advertising Make Money, both by John Caples, a copywriter famed for rigorously testing headlines and advertising copies to generate revenue for his clients.

Examples of Effective Headlines

  1. They Laughed When I Sat Down At the Piano But When I Started to Play!
  2. How I became popular overnight
  3. Would you invest $7 to be $1000 richer … without risking a cent?
  4. Do you make these mistakes in English?
  5. You can laugh at money worries if you follow this simple plan
  6. Corn Gone In 5 Days or Money Back
  7. The Next 90 Days Can Change Your Life – A Warning from the Wall Street Journal
  8. Greatest Bible News in 341 Years
  9. How a fool stunt made me a star salesman
  10. What’s wrong in this picture?
  11. How I improved my memory in one evening
  12. Give me 5 days and I’ll give you a Magnetic Personality … Let Me Prove It — FREE
  13. Announcing A new Course and Service for men who want to be independent in the next five years
  14. The deaf now hear whispers
  15. Wanted — your services as a high paid real-estate specialist
  16. Announcing a New Home Money-Making Plan
  17. “No time for Yale — took college home,” says well-known author
  18. I gambled a postage stamp and won $35,840 in 2 years
  19. Advice to Wives Whose Husbands Don’t Save Money
  20. How a strange accident save me from baldness
  21. Is $60 a day worth a postage stamp?
  22. Be a Hotel Hostess
  23. Banish Teetering Furniture
  24. Lifetime Floor Coating
  25. Spare-Time Cash
  26. Kill Ant Colonies at Their Source
  27. Spray Your Weeds Away with Weed Out
  28. Learn Dressmaking — Earn Money at Home
  29. Now! Orange Juice for the Whole Family … Quickly! Easily!
  30. Hollywood’s Make-up Secret
  31. Buy No Desk Until You’ve Seen the Sensation of The Business Show
  32. Announcing a new selection of Kodak home-movie cameras
  33. Good-bye … old fashioned air conditioners
  34. New! Golf clubs specially sized for youngsters
  35. Now … a low-calorie Bacardi Daiquiri
  36. At last! A steam iron with a “Magic Brain”
  37. You can speak French by October 15
  38. The world’s first atomic watch
  39. Discovered — amazing way to grow hair
  40. Any 4 books (value up to $43.95) for only $1
  41. Free to brides … $2 to anyone else
  42. How to keep your husband home … and happy
  43. How I earn my living in 4 hours a day
  44. Why some people almost always make money in the stock market
  45. Which of these five skin troubles would you like to end?
  46. Do you have these symptoms of nervous exhaustion?
  47. Who else wants a whiter wash — with no hard work?
  48. This magical lamp automatically lights highway turns before you make them
  49. Advice to a young man starting out in business
  50. Can you pass the memory test?
  51. I was going broke — so I started reading The Wall Street Journal
  52. They thought I was crazy to ship Live Maine Lobsters as far as 1,800 miles from the ocean
  53. To a $15,000 man who would like to be making $25,000
  54. The Book-of-the-Month Club is for people who don’t have time for unimportant books
  55. Imagine Harry and Me advertising our PEARS in Fortune!
  56. “My Sears Kenmore Sewing Machine has 9 different stretch stitches — imagine!” says famous designer Bonnie Cashin.
  57. A Warning to men who would like to be independent in the next five years
  58. To the Man Who Is 35 and Dissatisfied
  59. Now — $1 Enrolls You In The Doctors Hospital Plan To Safeguard Your Income and Savings If Sickness Or Accident Puts You In The Hospital
  60. I never stopped eating yet I lost 107 pounds.
  61. Girls! Want quick curls?
  62. How to Have a Cool, Quiet Bedroom Even on Hot Nights
  63. “Here’s an Extra $50, Grace — I’m making real money now!”
  64. A wonderful two years’ trip at full pay — but only men with imagination can take it
  65. How to Win Friends and Influence People
  66. They Grinned When the Waiter Spoke to Me in French — but their laughter changed to amazement at my reply
  67. You’ll never drive a dirty car again!
  68. Is dry skin making you look older than you should? Touch these 5 spots and find out.
  69. Be $2,278 Richer
  70. Get Rid of Money Worries for Good
  71. Any Four for Only $1
  72. How to Get Rid of an Inferiority Complex
  73. Order Christmas Gifts Now … Pay After January 1
  74. How $20 Spent may Save You $2000
  75. How a Man of 40 Can Retire in 15 Years
  76. If You Are a Careful Driver You Can Save Money on Car Insurance
  77. How to Get Your Cooking Bragged About
  78. How to Build an Attic Room
  79. How to Get a Loan of $500
  80. Can You Spot These 7 Common Decorating Sins?
  81. Tonight Serve This Ready-Mixed Chocolate Pudding
  82. Will Your Scalp Stand the “Fingernail Test”?
  83. How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling
  84. Do you make these travel mistakes?
  85. Are you ashamed of smells in your home?
  86. Can you talk about books with the rest of them?
  87. Car owners … save one gallon of gas in every ten
  88. Double your money back if this isn’t the best onion soup you ever tasted
  89. Free book tells you 12 secrets of better lawn care
  90. Great new discovery kills kitchen odors quick! — makes indoor air “country fresh”
  91. Have You Any of These Five Skin Troubles?
  92. Here’s How to Have a Long and Healthy Life.
  93. How I Made a Fortune With a “Fool” Idea
  94. How I started a new life with $7
  95. How $7 started me on the road to $35,000 a year
  96. How to collect from Social Security at any age
  97. How to do your Christmas shopping in 5 minutes
  98. How to make money writing short paragraphs
  99. I lost that ugly bulge in 2 minutes
  100. Imagine me … holding an audience spellbound for 30 minutes!
  101. I’ve tried ‘em all, but this is the polish I use on my own car … Frank Mills, Essex Garage
  102. I was tired of living on low pay — so I started reading the Wall Street Journal
  103. Lose ugly fat — an average of 7 pounds a month
  104. Men who “know it all” are not invited to read this page
  105. Now! Own Florida land this easy way … $20 down and $20 a month
  106. 161 new ways to a gourmet’s heart — in this fascinating book for cooks
  107. Play guitar in 7 days or money back
  108. The lazy man’s way to riches
  109. The secret of making people like you
  110. Thousands have this priceless gift — but never discover it
  111. To people who want to write — but can’t get started
  112. When doctors “feel rotten” this is what they do
  113. Will you give me 7 days to prove I can make you a new man?
  114. You don’t have to be rich to retire on a guaranteed income for life
  115. Own a Rembrandt for only $7.95
  116. How Investors Can Save 75% on Commissions This Year
  117. Wanted: Safe Men for Dangerous Times

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